Public Action for Water, Energy and the Environment
Period of Performance:
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ECODIT successfully implemented the Public Action for Water, Energy and the Environment Project (PAP), a comprehensive and dynamic public education, outreach, and behavior change communication program to increase efficiency in the use of water and energy, proper solid waste handling practices, and to introduce and adopt policy changes. PAP designed and installed: (1) A $1.4M Eco-Exhibit at the Children’s Museum Jordan (CMJ),(2) high-efficiency and renewable technologies at an orphanage and a university,and (3) a retrofit for a cultural center to become a green building.  PAP also provided training in Best Management Practices for water and energy efficiency to large hotels, helped revise the Jordanian Solar Energy Code, and supplied and installed queuing systems for electricity distribution customer service and payment centers. Additionally, PAP conducted solid waste management (SWM) situational analyses at municipalities, helped develop separation at source, and procured better hardware.   Throughout PAP, ECODIT provided direct assistance to the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation, water utilities, electricity distribution companies, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Energy Regulatory Commission, to improve their internal and external communications, develop organizational communication capability, and to develop and conduct effective outreach campaigns to help address a range of critical issues (e.g., expected tariff increases, electricity load-shedding effects, water tank flotation valves).ECODIT also awarded, monitored and evaluated the performance of 50 grants worth more than $5.5M under PAP, working closely with and building the capacity of more than 30 local organizations to implement behavior change programs across the country to increase efficiency in water and energy use and improve SWM practices. Examples of the grants include: working with the Electrical Regulatory Commission to promote the adoption of photovoltaic systems,and working with the Jordan Federation for Professional and Business Women (JFPBW) to recruit and train more than 300 dynamic “waethat” (religious women lecturers) on water and energy conservation and efficiency, who then transferred this knowledge to more than 880,000 rural and urban women in the confines of their residences and at mosques.